Trying something new.....five minute fridays.
Pre-five minute explanation. I have been inspired by a friend of my wife's to try some new things with my blog that I have neglected for so long! So, one of the things she does that I like is five minute fridays. I thought I would give it a try since I am home on fridays and since it only takes five minutes. That way, I keep something up here, but it doesn't take a long time out of my day.
Here goes....
Trust has been a big theme in my family's life recently. I have finally finished school for good and now we are trying to figure out life. We are selling our house and we will have nothing except for my wife's job and some lovely friendships holding us in this part of the country. If God wanted to take us somewhere different or use us in some crazy way, we will be freer now than we have been in a while. Yet, the idea of being open to that call or that journey strikes fear in us much of the time. We hold on to things like friendship and family, the familiarity of our church and our community. We also fear because so far my employment opportunities are bleak. I am employed with a wonderful company who is great to their employees, but the job just doesn't work for us. So, we trust.....we obey and we trust. It has worked in the past and even though this trial seems to be lasting longer than we planned, we must obey and trust. God has been gracious along the way to remind us he is with us on this journey, so that we are thankful for, but we could use prayers as we trust and obey!
That went fast! See you next Friday.
At 11:28 PM,
Fay_Moose_Art said…
I wish your family will get where you want to be, faster. Good luck guys!
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