I have only two things to say about last nights concert. Incredible!!!! Shane and Shane have the uncanny ability to remind me of God's goodness every time I see them. Last night, once again, I got a taste of that goodness, while listening to these artists who, with incredible passion, gave a room full of worshipers a voice to express their love to the almighty God. The only question I left with was, "Why do I always loose this sweet taste?" Why do I ever walk away from what brings me the truest ecstasy I have ever experienced? Why have generation upon generation turned their backs on the sweetest thing and chased after empty idols? I have been inspired to make my life goal to be a daily pursuit of that taste of God's goodness. Today, may you "taste and see that the Lord is good (Psalm 34:8)."
At 11:20 PM,
Chris Good said…
So am I the only one who didn't go?
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