Overdue and still waiting....
Not a big deal really to be overdue, just that I convinced myself that I would be overdue from the beginning until the last three visits to the doctor's office led us to believe we wouldn't have to wait that long. They all got so excited with the "progress" that I had made and stated things like "you for sure will not need to think about being overdue." Yesterday we scheduled for induction next Monday. I know, I know there are a lot of opinions about being induced and trust me, I have them too...but as a nurse working postpartum for a while I just am uncomfortable with being 2 weeks overdue (seen enough to sway me). So, now that we have the date, we are still trying not to get too pumped up since it is possible that I could get bumped off the schedule if they are busy. If you think of us and want to pray I would love to just go in on my own and not be induced...we are just dying to meet this little one!
On the other hand it makes me think about how God must feel about wanting his people to be with him, just as I feel about wanting this baby to be with us...pretty cool.
On the other hand it makes me think about how God must feel about wanting his people to be with him, just as I feel about wanting this baby to be with us...pretty cool.
At 10:56 PM,
Lori said…
At 11:45 AM,
margaret said…
I was induced a week early with Miles and Linus and all it took was one time with "the gel" to get my labor started. I didn't need any Pitocin. Greta was taken by c-section 3 weeks early (because of my kidney stone & stent.) None of my kids were under 7 lbs. and all were as healthy as can be. I'll be praying that you go naturally, but no worries if you are induced. The end result will still be meeting the most amazing litte person in your life!
At 1:29 PM,
Amy B said…
We will be praying for you! I had the same thing happen with Gavin. He was 6 days late. Your new little one will be here before you know it!
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