The Journey

Monday, December 10, 2007

Here's the promised pics....only a month later!

Here are the ultrasound pics of the baby! I know I promised to have the up sooner, but I couldn't find them for a while. Oh well, here they are. If you haven't spoken to either of us for since my last post here is the scoop. We couldn't find out the sex because the baby wouldn't cooperate. He/she wouldn't uncross its legs.

It's kind of hard to tell here, but these are the crossed legs. (Proof for those who have their consperacy theories!

This is it's face. Right now....only a face a parent could love! There is no fat on the face at this stage, so kind of scary looking. Any guesses on the sex from the face?

This is my favorite. It shows the babies profile and it looks as if he or she is sucking its thumb! I can't wait to meet this little one.

Mesha is in her 24th week of pregnancy and doing really well. Things are clipping along now that she feels better and the holiday season is here. This baby is going to come along before we know it. Please pray that we are prepared over the next few months and that I can get some substitute teaching jobs to make the extra $ we need for Mesha's maternity leave. Thanks!



  • At 2:01 PM, Blogger Lori said…

    Yeah! Thanks for sharing!! Love the last one - so sweet!

  • At 2:45 PM, Blogger Jennifer said…

    aww I love Ultrasound pictures. THey are so sweet. COngrats.


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