So, today is my b-day and I am turning 29 years old! I have one year until life is over for me. Well, not really and for all of you 30 and older I am sorry for that comment. However, for me, 30 has always been an age marker that fun ends and responsibility begins. The decade that entails the 20's seems to just exude fun right in the title. "I am in my 20's" sounds so much better than "I am in my 30's." It says, "hi, I am young, vibrant, and full of potential." The 30's say, "I am desparately trying to stay young and vibrant, but am losing the battle and if I don't cash in my potential now, I'll be a "has been" or a "what if." Sorry for the depressing thoughts. Wow, I didn't know I had it in me to be that glum. I really am having a good b-day and am enjoying my last year as a 20-something!!!
About Me
- Name: John Torkelson
- Location: Monticello, Minnesota, United States
Blogs I read
- Erin Corniea
- Lori
- Charleblog
- Margret Brown
- The Sorbels
- Steph Balvin
- My sister Julie
- Matt and Julie
- Verdoorns
- Janna
- Gundersons
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At 3:44 PM,
Lori said…
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOHN! From someone who's in her 30's!
At 3:53 PM,
Anonymous said…
Happy B-Day Couz-in-law
From someone who's in her 20's, but still looks like a teenager!
At 5:41 PM,
welch said…
Happy Birthday! and you are right, it is all over when you are 30 so try to enjoy this year.
At 8:43 AM,
Anonymous said…
Happy birthday. Dont worry, my uncle told my mom that once you turn 29, you're 29 for life! He's like 40 and still tells people he's 29!!
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