Fall at the Orchard!
Zaila is now 6 and a half months old and growing fast. We just went to the doctors office and found out that she is 28 inches long! She is 90-95% in all areas. She crawled a little today, but is still mostly just scooting. However, she gets wherever she wants and pretty quickly if she is motivated. She has her first word down too. She says "Momma" very clearly and is working on a garbled "dadda." She is such a joy and is so nice to everyone she meets. She smiles and almost encourages people through her interaction with them. It is pretty cool to see her brighton even strangers' days.
A couple of Saturdays ago, we went to the local Apple Orchard and Zaila's Auntie Jen took pictures of her with her cousin Andrew, us and Mesha's parents. It was a lot of fun! Here is a sample...