She's One!
Zaila turned one yesterday! I can't believe its been a year already since she was born. It went so fast for us and we had a little time of mourning yesterday as we thought about our little baby growing up already. I guess it is not surprising that it went so fast because I don't even remember the first few months of her life. It is amazing, though, how fast we adapt to being parents and how quickly a routine develops. It has been an incredible first year as a parent.
Saturday we had a great birthday party for Zaila with our immediate families. Zaila was such a ham and it was a great day of celebrating and enjoying family. Zaila cooperated by digging right in to her cup cake and getting it all over her face, but not so much in her hair. She loved all her gifts and has been playing with them a lot. Even the ones that we anticipated would be more summer or fall toys she is insisting on using now. She has really had a lot of firsts in the last week. It is as if she knew she was one and would start doing a ton. She is walking much more and even running when she is really excited and not thinking about what she is doing. She will bark and moo when asked what dogs and cows say. She blows kisses and claps a lot (for herself of course). Finally, she drinks by herself out of a sippy cup. I may have missed some new firsts, but there are so many these days it is hard to keep track.
Here are some pics from the part....enjoy!
Don't know what this is about, but Mesha said she looks like me here.
Saturday we had a great birthday party for Zaila with our immediate families. Zaila was such a ham and it was a great day of celebrating and enjoying family. Zaila cooperated by digging right in to her cup cake and getting it all over her face, but not so much in her hair. She loved all her gifts and has been playing with them a lot. Even the ones that we anticipated would be more summer or fall toys she is insisting on using now. She has really had a lot of firsts in the last week. It is as if she knew she was one and would start doing a ton. She is walking much more and even running when she is really excited and not thinking about what she is doing. She will bark and moo when asked what dogs and cows say. She blows kisses and claps a lot (for herself of course). Finally, she drinks by herself out of a sippy cup. I may have missed some new firsts, but there are so many these days it is hard to keep track.
Here are some pics from the part....enjoy!
Zaila stuffing her face with a Monkey Cupcake!
Messy Face!!!
Opening presents with Rachel and Sammy (her cousins)

(I hope that doesn't reflect how I look all the time, but I have been in Seminary for Five years!)