The Journey

Monday, December 31, 2007

It's been a great year!

Hey, I am finally back to internet access after the holidays. Mesha and I had a busy, but great Christmas and are looking forward to a night with friends for New Years and one last day together tomorrow to begin the process of finishing the baby's room.
Someone once told me that everything changes when you have a kid. Well, I would only change one small aspect of that quip. Everything changes as soon as you are pregnant with a kid. Last Wed. night, we sold my Montero and this weekend pick up our new vehicle. I know a lot of you think I am going to say we got a mini-van, but we haven't gotten that far. Instead, we down-sized to a honda civic. We were both sad to see the montero go (we loved it), but it was time to make some wise decisions in terms of our economic position. Hence, buying a civic and saving on gas and insurance! It has been a fun few days getting used to a stick again!
Well, all I can say on this New Year's eve is that 2007 has been a great year. There has been struggles and pain, but our family has expanded, our marriage has grown, and God has become even more present in our lives. Mesha and I feel truly blessed as we enter this new year. We pray you and your family do also!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Here's the promised pics....only a month later!

Here are the ultrasound pics of the baby! I know I promised to have the up sooner, but I couldn't find them for a while. Oh well, here they are. If you haven't spoken to either of us for since my last post here is the scoop. We couldn't find out the sex because the baby wouldn't cooperate. He/she wouldn't uncross its legs.

It's kind of hard to tell here, but these are the crossed legs. (Proof for those who have their consperacy theories!

This is it's face. Right now....only a face a parent could love! There is no fat on the face at this stage, so kind of scary looking. Any guesses on the sex from the face?

This is my favorite. It shows the babies profile and it looks as if he or she is sucking its thumb! I can't wait to meet this little one.

Mesha is in her 24th week of pregnancy and doing really well. Things are clipping along now that she feels better and the holiday season is here. This baby is going to come along before we know it. Please pray that we are prepared over the next few months and that I can get some substitute teaching jobs to make the extra $ we need for Mesha's maternity leave. Thanks!
